Donations are accepted to support programming and education.

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  • 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their life time
  • Black women have the highest death rate of All racial and ethnic groups
  • Midwestern states and Southern states have the highest number of breast cancer deaths
  • Mental health ** women are more likely to be treated for mental health problems
  • Domestic violence​ ** 85% of domestic violence victims are women
  • There will be 1135 new breast cancer diagnosis in 2015
  • Minority women have a lower survival rate due to poverty, access to health care and socioeconomic factors

Credit* 2010 Census, American Cancer Society, CDC, Ill. Dept. of public health, American Community Health Survey and 2015 Peoria Health Dept. health indicator report

Did you know

Everything that is done in the world is done by hope.

The Living to Serve Foundation, Inc. mission is to increase awareness of women's health by providing resources, programming and education. 

We also hope to help increase breast cancer awareness. I have been winning the battle since 2012. Together, we can ensure better odds for future generations of women.

Under LTSF Events tab, you will find programs we are sponsoring and links to other organizations that are providing valuable information and services. 

